About Piedmont Cares

Piedmont CARES was started in 2009 by Kelly Robinson Painter, whose sister has cerebral palsy. Family and friends have helped get Piedmont CARES off the ground, because we all realize the great need for services and support for adults with disabilities in the greater Charlotte area. Existing programs can be scattered or infrequent, often subject to the economy and government funding. Thus, Piedmont CARES was born with the goal to increase the social, educational and recreational opportunities for adults with disabilities. We hope to create a welcoming environment for individuals with disabilities and their families, by coordinating opportunities for friendship and learning. Some day we would like to have our own center. Above all, we are dedicated to helping all individuals reach their full potential.

Mission statement

The mission of Piedmont CARES is to provide educational, recreational and social opportunities and support for adults with disabilities and their families.

Our Vision

Wheelchair race